Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Indeed.....I guess anyone who lives in Naija and not permanently is always in a hurry to leave for the holidays....I wonder why?
So right after R Kelly`s concert at the Mega Jam Party......everyone begun the exodus from Lagos...and alas.........21st Dec was all alone...kinda felt like being an orphan!So I thought why not call Maundu and change my flight to leave that evening instead of next morning......you would rather spend the night travelling than listening to the generators humming...ok it is not humming....sounds like a tractor! all night long....(read 24hrs generator!)..nkt!
Peaceful holidays indeed chillin at my mums place.....I guess there is no motivation to keep going to Nairobi (City....) if one has to manoeuvre through Thika Rd and it`s construction...and anyway have had enough of partying in Lagos..I came to chill ain`t it?Neither is going Coast a plan.......I damn live on a Coastal City!Only on the westside of Africa where the weather is constantly hot and no breeze.....beaches have brown sand......and the Atlantic waters so hostile that jet skiing is not a very common sport....try the Lagoon....
But to be honest......I think Holiday is really taking a break from familiarity...and that means work and family!I have been home too many times this year so it does somehow feel like any other visit only no major phone calls from my boss and no staying in a hotel......
While it is indeed Happy Holidays........this is it as far as spending too many nights in my mother`s house is concerned.....it is time to utilise the December Holiday break to see the world!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


So finally...the curtain is closing down...i.e. year is over...festivities already starting...if your x-mas tree is not on then you have a problem...I never put up xmas decor in my house....I leave that to my mum who has a fetish for it...as a matter of fact I`m carrying those decorations I had at my pool party for her....she will enjoy them!

I know I know...some things are still painful but I have no solution yet.......Im sure one will come soon...in the meantime..I gotta deal with it...RB not a pretty place to be in at the moment....business slowed down and I guess it does have a big effect on people`s productivity.....hmmmmmm

So I come from Nokia country Kenya...and so when I landed in Naija everyone asked me to get a BlackBerry i.e. bb.........never thought I needed one neither did I care...until a few months ago when my friends...Anne,Thobi and Uby decided to put pressure on me...oh it has not been easy........Every weekend we went out..I was the only one left out as everybody got busy on their phones..taking pics..giggling...twitting etc.....and then it got worse...if you meet a Nigerian....they ask for your bb pin and not your card!What?...the worst was when I was at a shoot in Ikeja..mainland and this celeb guest asked me..do you bb?!Ah...I quickly called Lamu from Glo and told him to get me his distributor to bring me a bb!Yes that bb came to me in all manners of ways.....bos......okada...danfu etc...anyway now I have one...and all I could hear was congratulations...my friends including Joyce welcoming me to the world of technology...
So Anne and I just threw a VIP party for our Lagos friends...from all walks of life......I agree that
organising events....is dramatic but it does give you satisfaction...We went overboard with food and drinks but that`s cool....Oh had no idea my bar is such an important asset....It was the main prop show stopper...oh and my decor...I tried...but ANNE`S FLOWERS were the cherry on the cake...fantastic!Tks to all who made party Rock...Ken ensuring the house was set including flushing bathroom and the champagne!...Ice cubes from Alex and cake!Big one...wine from Tolu...Ahhhhh what a party!The props and help from Footprint team...just great...tks Ian,Otis and to Simon for the great invite!And to all my Lagos friends.....Daniel,Alex,Kaberere,Chris,Mohammed,Marco,Bisi,Lisa,Dean,Grace,Lamu,June,Wole,Tsola,Joyce,Kiage,Nick
And now to ending the year..I have to attend rb xmas party...yeah yeah.....and hopefully go home by 22nd..